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About Us

about mk

There was once a widow who lived in a small barrio. She had two sons living with her in a nipa hut. One day the old woman became ill. She had taken many medicines, but she would not get well. One night she dreamt of a fruit that could cure her. The next morning, she related her dream to her sons. The two boys left to look for the fruit. After a long search, they reached the place, where they saw a very tall tree. The boys stopped, and they started looking for the fruit. Where they found the fruit at the top of the tree. The older boy started to climb the tall tree.


 When he was halfway up the tree the younger boy cried, “Be careful, you might fall, the tree is very tall.” The older brother replied, “I have to climb this tall tree to get the fruit for the mother’s sake.” And so, he got the fruit.


The two boys hurried home with the fruit and gave the fruit to their mother. She ate the fruit and like a miracle, the mother got well. From that time on the place where the tall tree was found has been called Mataasnakahoy.
The name “Mataasnakahoy” was registered as a barrio of the Municipality of Lipa in 1878. It was specified in the Executive Order that the new Municipality would embrace all of the territories comprising the two barrios of Calingatan and Mataasnakahoy.
Mataasnakahoy was sliced out of the northwestern part of the then Municipality of Lipa. The town takes the shape of a triangle with one of the three sides bordering the shore of Taal Lake.  The whole place is hilly.  Only one of the three corners is level, where the Poblacion lies. It was declared as an independent Municipality on March 1932 by virtue of EO No. 308 by the acting Governor-General George C. Butte. 



Legislative Department

Vice Mayor

Hon. Jay Manalo Ilagan, Ph. D. MPSA

Municipal Vice Mayor

Municipality of Mataasnakahoy_ Municipal Councilor_Dimaano, Ferdinand L

Hon. Ferdinand L. Dimaano

Sangguniang Bayan Member

Municipality of Mataasnakahoy_Municipal Councilor_Laqui, Karen Joy A

Hon. Karen Joy A. Laqui

Sangguniang Bayan Member

Municipality of Mataasnakahoy _ Municipal Coucilor_ Malabag, Rowell B

Hon. Atty. Rowell B. Malabag

Sangguniang Bayan Member

Municipality of Matasnakahoy_Municipal Councilor_Del Mundo, Herwin D..

Hon. Herwin D. Del Mundo

Sangguniang Bayan Member

Municipality of Mataasnakahoy_Municipal Councilor_De Ocampo, Lemuel V..

Hon. Lemuel V. de Ocampo

Sangguniang Bayan Member

Municipality of Mataasnakahoy_Municipal Councilor_Vergara, Pepito D..

Hon. Pepito D. Vergara

Sangguniang Bayan Member

Municipality of Mataasnakahoy_MUnicipal Councilor_Calinisan, Lourdes O..

Hon. Lourdes O. Calinisan

Sangguniang Bayan Member

Municipality of Mataasnakahoy_Municipal Councilor_Laqui, Merlyn C..

Hon. Merlyn Caraan - Laqui

Sangguniang Bayan Member


Hon. Novilito M. Manalo

LNB President

Municipality of Mataasnakahoy_SK Federation President_Lucero, Melven M..

Hon. Melven M. Lucero

SK President



SB Secretary


Our Mission

 To ensure a God-centered society and strengthen agro-ecotourism industry by seeking dynamic investment opportunities and continuously preserving a conducive climate for socio-political, cultural, ecological, and economic development through committed partnership with public, private sector, and civil society organizations

Our Vision

A world-class agro-ecotourism destination, God-loving, participative, empowered, and globally competitive citizenry, living in a safe and ecologically balanced environment guided by committed and responsible leaders.

mk Hymn

Mataasnakahoy HYMN

mk hymn
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